Undergraduate research initiatives are central to 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜's approach to science education. All science majors are encouraged to conduct mentored research projects during the summer and/or academic year. Students can apply to receive stipends for summer research and academic credit for research performed in the junior and senior years. 自1989年以来, each summer the College has provided 35-plus students with 10-week research stipends to conduct independent research under the guidance of Bryn Mawr faculty members in the sciences and mathematics. The 夏季科学研究 (SSR) program is enriched by professional development workshops and a poster session at which students present their research to the college community. 津贴金额为5000美元(扣税)。. 该计划致力于多样性,公平性和包容性.
The program is for currently enrolled Bryn Mawr and Haverford students who are interested in doing discovery-based research in the laboratory or field with Bryn Mawr STEM faculty. 2024年春季出国留学的学生有资格申请, 只要他们保持活跃, 在布林莫尔或哈弗福德的注册身份.
- 获得SSR资助的学生必须在Bryn Mawr 学院注册, Haverford or at an accredited 出国留学 program associated with the two colleges for the fall semester following the SSR program.
- Students who do not return to Bryn Mawr or Haverford in Fall 2024 (such as in the case of permanent transfers or leaves of absences) will be required to return the SSR stipend funds to the College.
Not eligible to apply for SSR funding: Students who will not return to Bryn Mawr or Haverford for Fall 2024 as a current, 积极报名学生. This includes graduating seniors in the class of 2024 (students graduating in Winter 2024 are eligible).
- 2024年SSR项目的日期是 5月28日到8月2日.
- 申请人必须于以下时间完成暑期科学研究申请 3月24日晚上11:59(截止日期延长). Applicants will write two 250-word essays: a 研究 Statement, and a Personal Statement. The 研究 Statement addresses the research goals to be explored over the summer, while the Personal Statement addresses how this research will contribute to the student's life and academic goals, and how it fits in with goals in their future years at Bryn Mawr and beyond.
- Applications are reviewed by potential faculty mentors and the SSR director; notifications of acceptance to the program will be sent out in early April.
布林莫尔理工科系网站上有教职工名单, 他们的邮件, 以及他们实验室网站的链接. Begin by visiting these sites to learn more about your potential mentors’ research. 在那之后, reach out to the Bryn Mawr STEM faculty in the department(s) you wish to work (email is one easy way to do so) and schedule a 30-minute meeting to discuss the possibility of working in their lab in summer. During that meeting you will learn about the availability of projects you could get involved in; what you learn in this meeting will be excellent material for your 研究 Statement.
- In what field of [chemistry, biology…] are the current projects in your lab?
- Given my course work and interest in […] what projects can I work on in your lab?
- 我需要完成特定的课程才能在你的实验室工作吗?
- 我可以读什么文献来了解更多关于这个项目的背景资料?
- 你们实验室的研究是远程进行的还是亲自进行的?
- How do I improve my chances of working in your lab as part of the SSR program? Do you prefer to take students who work with you during the academic year? 如果有,你们目前有职位空缺吗?
- 我有多大可能在你的实验室找到一个位置? 你是否建议我申请SSR项目和你一起工作?
Some departments offer a talk in the beginning of the spring semester during which faculty members give a short presentation of their research and provide important information (such as how many students they need in summer). 如果你的兴趣部门提供这样的谈话, attending it is very useful as it will help you learn about research opportunities and figure out which potential faculty mentors to contact. Information about these talks will be posted here when it becomes available.
Can I participate in the SSR program during the summer after my first year?
The answer to this question depends on the needs of specific faculty mentors—but it is definitely not a hard “no”. 一些教师导师, 因为他们的研究需要, 只能和上过高级课程的学生一起工作吗. 教师 mentors should share any prerequisite requirements with you when you meet with them to learn about possible projects. 话虽如此, over the past years several students have been successful in obtaining a SSR stipend for the summer after their first year. If you are a first-year student wishing to get research experience through the SSR program, you are encouraged to reach out to multiple faculty mentors rather than focus on a single “research area” to have better chances of finding an opportunity.
绝对! Many successful SSR students establish excellent professional relationships with their faculty mentors—as a result, the faculty mentors strongly desire to work with these students again during the next summer. 学生必须每年重新申请该课程.
I met with a potential faculty mentor and we discussed possible research projects. 这是否意味着我一定能进入战略科学军团计划?
Your potential faculty mentor will probably be quite excited as they describe their research to you during the meeting—after all, 这是他们的面包和黄油! 然而, each year multiple students apply to a limited number of spots in laboratories and accommodating everyone is not always possible.